A long time passed by ~
A (tiny) big change came to our life last week. Here a short summary....
We decided to eat dinner in Kabuki-cho and while we were walking through the streets we`ve found a small pet shop. Since we always talk about having a dog and changing our apartment, my boyfriend couldn`t stop himself and entered the shop.
In one of the cages, far away from the others, he found a tiny dog. Actually this tiny one was already 5 months old....and due to his sickness he stayed like a 2 months old puppy. The shop staff told us that nobody was interested in buying him, so they will send him "away".
For those who don`t know about Japanese pet shops...
If one of the dogs and cats isn`t able to find a new owner, they will take them to special "pet shelters". In those dark&dirty places pets from all over the city are collected in a big box. After a few days they are killed through gas. Sometimes you find 4 weeks old puppies, sometimes big dogs which doesn`t fit into the "kawaii" image of the Japanese people. Those killing factories are pretty unknown in Japan. So sometimes even the shop staff doesn`t know about it or doesn`t WANT to know about it....
So if you find a dog or cat in one of your pet shops which is older than 6 months or doesn`t look "cute" enough, be sure to say goodbye to them because most of them will never ever go out for a walk or feel loved.
For more information: http://ameblo.jp/takt-dogcat/
In the past years some volunteer organisation try to establish "real" animal shelters. Let`s hope the situation will change...
The chibi-dog I`m talking about was really happy to be hugged by us and while the shop staff told us he will be gone on Thursday, my boyfriend and I made a quick decision...there was no real plan, it was simply our feelings which said "Let`s save this one!". He was so sweet and lovely and just because he looks like a mouse (he really does ^^;) he didn`t have any chance to find a home.
And so we gave him one ^^ His name is Peko, a 1,5kg mix and such a lovely cry-baby...
He already knows his name and remembers where to do "his business"....
Since our apartment doesn`t allow any pets, I always take him with me since he cries when he feels lonely and this would be a huge mess...I`m glad some of my friends support me that much and offer their time and their home in case someone would discover him.
We went to the veterinarian and he got all necessary immunizations to take him back to Germany in January.
Now we need to change our apartment in April for sure XD Let`s hope it will work out.
I`m off to Shibuya now ^^ And Peko-kun needs a walk ~~~