We had a hard time to finish it... XD Simply too much. But sooooo much love....♥
Today I got a big packet from Donky...we had to buy various things on Sunday and happily they offer a free send service XD Yeah, too lazy to carry the stuff home...
I think if I ever return to Germany&start a life there, I will definetly miss the sweet Japanese service for lazy people like me&my husband... ;)
Next week I have to hand in the papers for my spouse visa...in the morning at first a short visit at the German embassy, afterwards we will head to Shinagawa's immigration office...
Sadly it seems like a boring holiday for us...I'm so glad when everything is finally finished... (-_-)
In about 2 weeks we already have our big photo shooting with the kimono and wedding dress. I will get extensions the night before...long hair again (;_;) I miss it so much. But since it's awfully humid these days I will just keep them for a few days and then take them off...nothing looks more terrible than shabby extensions (^^;)
Starting from June, three new students will join my class...I'm excited to meet them ~
In July I will be pretty busy since we will offer a project which allows students from Japanese schools to join our classes during the summer vacation. Something like a special summer school. And in the end of July we have an event week with special theme days like "Hawaii" or "Ocean"...hope the kids will enjoy it :)
I really love my team. I work with such nice&great teachers together. I'm really bad at getting up in the morning, but these days even though I'm tired I go to work with a lot of motivation. It's great to feel relaxed at work.
Amazing cake!! *0*
AntwortenLöschenLooking forward to seeing that photoshoot! And also what you bought at Donky :P
I would like to have a nice environment at work, like you! You're so lucky, I'm always happy to hearing from you ;)
Der Kuchen ist ja ein Traum! *o* Die japanischen Torten sind einfach der Hammer, ich wünschte, es gäbe sowas in Deutschland ;_;
AntwortenLöschenUi ich bin dann schon ganz gespannt auf eure Hochzeitsfotos und freu mich drauf ♥
Und hast du dich schon an das "私の夫" gewöhnt? :)
Liebe Grüße
Der Kuchen sieht wirklich viel besser aus als die in Deuschland (T_T)
AntwortenLöschenDein Job hört sich Traumhaft an! Wünscht eich könnte dasselbe über meine Klassenkameraden sagen, aber nicht wirklich. Freu mich also riesog für dich und hoffe, dass diene Motvation noch lange bleubt ;)
und hoffentlich ist alles mit deinem Visa bald geklärt ♥
Wow! The cake looks so cute~ : D : D