Samstag, 19. November 2011

Wow, what a xxxxx weather O_O
I hope on Tuesday it will be better since Yoshi&I are planning to go shopping.

Anyway, I had to decline two job offers the past week...all of them were perfect...even the hourly salary of 3000 Yen ;_;  But sadly there is no visa sponsorship and so I need to find another school.

Last night we met Megumi, my sweet friend from Utsunomiya. While I was doing a home stay there, we became friends...almost 8 years ago :) We haven't met for four years. Now she's finally the boss of an interior shop in Yokohama :)

3 Kommentare:

  1. hier ist das wetter auch so bescheiden .. ^^
    oh nein, ich drück dir die daumen, dass du schnell was passendes findest! :3

  2. Hoffe es kommt alles so wie du es dir wünschst, es kommt sicherlich alles gut ^^
    Das sind wieder einmal echt süsse fotos ^.^

    liebe grüsse Bibi ^^

  3. Ich lese ab heute hier mit :) Sehr schöner Blog ♥
