Yoshi got a call from his teacher in the afternoon. Since most trains stopped around 3pm, his class was cancelled, too.
I had work at 5 pm and because I was worried that the bus will be late (normally I walk the 15 minutes...but it was simply too windy and rainy...) I already left the house around 4pm and waited at the bus stop just 15m away. But somehow no bus came and the wind was so strong that my umbrella said goodbye after 2 minutes....I became totally wet after seconds. I called Starbucks, telling them that I will be late. I waited for 30 more minutes, but when the bus stop sign flew away and a police man in rain coat told me to go home I gave up on my plan. Happily my boss called me and told me it's ok for me to take a day off.

Today we really wanted to go to Odaiba, but sadly the weather was still bad and so we decided to go on a shopping tour at Donky Hot, buying all necessary things for the next month.
At night we had a Yakiniku session and took purikura ~ a relaxed day.
ha ha ich finde es schön das du trotz Taifun versucht hast zur Arbeit zu kommen! :) dein Chef wird sich über dein Arbeitseifer freuen. ^_~
AntwortenLöschenJa, hat er. Wobei einige meine Kolleginnen sogar mit Taxen gefahren sind um zur Arbeit zu kommen XD Da nimmt den hardcore Japanern echt nichts und niemand die Arbeitsstunden ^^" Auch nicht der stärkste Taifun seit 40 Jahren XD