At first: After visiting 15 various apartments we realized that it`s nearly impossible to find a modern, pretty, pet-ok apartment which is in a good location...
In the end we we were thinking to give up...our limit was 120.000 Yen (1200$) and most of the apartments were dirty, old and not really a place where you want to live...until we have found the one ♥
This apartment house was completeted last month, located in the beautiful Futako-Tamagawa, just 20 minutes from Shibuya. In the front of our house we have a huge park and the pretty riverbend. And the station offers three huge shopping malls, including a cinema and various restaurants.
All in all, it`s too good to be true.
Anyway, we will move in on Monday :) This has killed our bank account, but it`s worth it.
Yoshi got us some towels...it`s too hot here. |
In the past days I had the chance to meet my dear friend Eri, who has been my friend for almost 4 years now. Her family lives in Fukushima and so we had a lot to talk about...anyway, we will meet again very soon.
Since Yoshi and I had to do some paper stuff for the new apartment we have already checked out our new home and the area around...I think we will love it here :)
LOL XD Peko.... |
Yes...rich for one day...just one $__$ |
Schön das ihr so schnell eine passende Wohnung gefunden habt! Das muss ein wahnsinns Gefühl sein, die Wohnung gefunden zu haben, die das gemeinsame neue zu Hause werden soll.
AntwortenLöschenDann richtet euch mal gemütlich ein! ;)
Freut mich dass bei dir alles gut läuft. Ich lese deinen Blog wirklich gerne und finde es interessant zu sehen wie du dein Leben jetzt in Japan managest. :)
AntwortenLöschenIt's nice to hear you guys finally found a great appartment! n____n Finding a new place to live can be so stressful sometimes!!
AntwortenLöschenGood luck on your interviews~
hi! i just found your blog and i really have to say that you just got a new reader! ;D
AntwortenLöschenyour blog is really cute and i like read stuff about your daily-life in Japan.(Japan and Korea are my dream-countries *__*)
i'm happy for you that you guys found so nice apartment after all. :) it's really cute and beautiful! at least what i can see from the pictures. ^^
i'll keep reading your blog, so keep writing! ^o^
AntwortenLöschenDankeeeee....hoff ich auch :) Endlich mehr Ruhe.
Yo Baby Mama...das wird fettes Grillen am Fluss geben naechstes Jahr XD XD
@ Anni
Danke schoen. Freut mich zu hoeren :)
Yeah, these 2 weeks were so stressful...butI`m happy that we have found the right place to live.
Thank u&welcome to my blog :) I`m glad you like it.
Although I will be a little bit busy starting from next week, I plan a weekly update :)
Schön zu lesen, dass du gut angekommen bist! :)
AntwortenLöschenund Glückwunsch zu dieser tollen Wohnung! <3
Sieht aus, als hättet ihr wirklich einen Glücksgriff gelandet...
Ich hoffe wir finden auch eine schöne Wohnung...
Gehen wahrscheinlich doch noch dieses Jahr zurück nach Japan und dann blüht uns auch eine Wohnungssuche xD
Achja~ viel Glück für deine Bewerbungsgespräche :3