I turned 25 this week! Time passes by so fast.
Anyway, the best thing about being 25 is...
Anyway, the best thing about being 25 is...
My husband :) We got married !
Some years ago Yoshi&I got our first rings on my birthday, so we thought it's a nice thing to marry on the same day.
Some years ago Yoshi&I got our first rings on my birthday, so we thought it's a nice thing to marry on the same day.
Sadly there was a combination of unlucky happenings...although the
weather was really nice the whole week (today we have 28C° in Tokyo!),
only on my birthday it was raining and cold as crazy XD Another bad
point was the terrible service at the registry office...it took more
than four hours...
Normally it takes 20 minutes. Of course we were already prepared that it may takes a little bit longer for an international marriage since they have to check various papers...but every single official had no clue about anything...
Additionally I got sick the night before my birthday...I'm still fighting hard against my coughing and so I have to take some days off from work -_-
But even though not all things were as perfect as we have planned...I had a wonderful day.
Yoshi tried so hard to and I'm blessed having such a sweet husband :)
At the weekend we both went out to get my birthday present: I finally got myself a nice camera with a fast shutter and good lens. I love taking photos and I was always thinking to get one...and now it's my favourite toy XD
Normally it takes 20 minutes. Of course we were already prepared that it may takes a little bit longer for an international marriage since they have to check various papers...but every single official had no clue about anything...
Additionally I got sick the night before my birthday...I'm still fighting hard against my coughing and so I have to take some days off from work -_-
But even though not all things were as perfect as we have planned...I had a wonderful day.
Yoshi tried so hard to and I'm blessed having such a sweet husband :)
At the weekend we both went out to get my birthday present: I finally got myself a nice camera with a fast shutter and good lens. I love taking photos and I was always thinking to get one...and now it's my favourite toy XD
I only use the photos for my blog, Facebook or family and so I wanted to have something compact with high quality. Just as hobby&since I reduce the photo size anyway I was looking for a small type ~ After spending three hours in various shops I decided to get me the Olympus Pen :)
I can't wait to go out and take some nice photos. A big THANK YOU! to Yoshi&my family :x
I can't wait to go out and take some nice photos. A big THANK YOU! to Yoshi&my family :x
Yoshi's mother sent me some money& a sweet card ♥ |
So many beautiful flowers...I'm more than happy♥ |
Filling out the paper stuff... |
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Our paper ~ |
Waiting, waiting, waiting...but we met a sweet little friend :) |
And then our dinner...I have never eaten so many tasty things...
Due to my cold I wasn't able to eat as much as I wanted (;_;)
Well, Yoshi enjoyed his double portions XD
Due to my cold I wasn't able to eat as much as I wanted (;_;)
Well, Yoshi enjoyed his double portions XD
The whole restaurant for just the two of us ~~ nice! |
I was so happy about the roses... (;_;) |
The day before my birthday Yoshi played with my camera. Peko was his first victim.
And then I...
And then I...
I like this one a lot :) |
Next week we have to visit Shinagawa for my visa application. It takes one month to get the spouse visa...and my old visa ends in July. We have to hurry ^^"
After that I have to register our marriage in Germany...and then start to prepare for the wedding parties in September&December ~ busy, busy...but I'm looking forward to it so much ^^
And now: Relaxing in bed ~25 years old and nothing has changed XD Except my family name...
AntwortenLöschenWas für ein tolles Leben! Und pünktlich mit 25 verheiratet, so muss das sein! ;DDD
Du hast echt einen hübschen Ehemann hehe ;)
Wie toll, ich freu mich schon auf die Fotos der Feier :) Die kommt aber etwas später oder?^^
MAn wie schön, ich freu mich für dich und hoffe ich werde auch so ne schöne Hochzeit haben irgendwann^^
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!
AntwortenLöschenIch wünsche euch ene tolle gemeinsame Zukunft♥
Und nochmal alles Gute zum Geburtstag :)
Die Blumen, Bilder und das Ehepaar sehen total schön aus *^o^*
glückwunsch zum geburtstag =)
AntwortenLöschenund glückwunsch, dass ihr jetzt verheiratet seid =) juhu !! super !!=)
ist natürlich echt doof, dass es so lange gedauert hat auf dem amt ._. hätte ja nicht not getan ..!
die bilder sind auch echt hübsch =) <3
Hello! Sometimes I read your blog. I think it's very nice&interesting (^^)
AntwortenLöschenCongrats for the wedding and I hope you enjoy your future wedding parties! (^^)
Aww, its sad that so many bad things happened on ur special day but it's good that it didn't get you down! Congratulations too on ur wedding, all the best wishes to you and Yoshi!
AntwortenLöschenCongrats on your wedding :D
AntwortenLöschenAwww herzlichen Glückwunsch euch beiden!!!! Wie romantisch ♥
AntwortenLöschenUnd auch herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich zum Geburtstag.
Das ist so genial - ähnlich wie bei uns! Ich hab am 05. Juni Geburtstag und wurde letztes Jahr 25 und 2 Tage später am 07.06. ist unsere Hochzeit gewesen (ich hab also morgen in 2 Wochen schon ersten Hochzeitstag ♥). Da der 7.6. unser Jahrestag ist, haben wir an diesem auch geheiratet. Und jetzt werde ich in 2 Wochens chon wieder 26 und ein Jahr Ehe ist rum. Und ich sage dir: die Zeit rast so schnell! Unser Jahr ging so fix rum :)
Ich freu mich so für euch, ihr seht beide voll glücklich aus, ich wünsche euch alles alles Gute! Deine Eltern waren aber nicht mit dabei oder? Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung.
Genießt das Eheleben! ^.^
Alles Liebe
Alles Gute für die Zukunft!
AntwortenLöschenSolltest trotzdem nicht zu lange warten mit der neuen Visumbeantragung, aber nach Beantragung des Spouse Visums habe ich die Postkarte zur Abholung bereits 4 TAGE (!) später im Briefkasten gehabt. Hab vorher nicht in Japan gelebt und habe quasi durch meine Hochzeit mein Leben in Japan begonnen. Nur generell die ganzen Papiere FÜR das Visum zu besorgen hat gefühlt eine Ewigkeit gedauert (ich hatte alle möglichen Papiere bei mir, nur bei meinem (jp.) Mann hat das länger gedauert.)
Congratulations !!