Since my job is getting busier I have to quit Starbucks. Next Sunday will be my last today.
A strange feeling to leave after those 10 months...I loved my work there. I had such a wonderful team and I was able to learn so many different things...but I have to move on :)
Anyway, I'm on the way to my shop now.
We took some purikura yesterday ~ a great night!
Tomorrow Yoshi&I are thinking to do something relaxing. Maybe cinema...still not sure. The weather is really strange these days...
I hope Golden Week will be better next week...don't want this rainy weather...
Süße Puris ♥
AntwortenLöschenOhje schade dass du deinen Job dort aufgeben musst, aber wenn dein Fulltimejob mittlerweile zu viel Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, geht es ja wirklich nicht anders.
Liebe Grüße
Steffis Haare sind ja lang geworden\(^o^)/
AntwortenLöschenich will Auch wieder purikura mit dir und eri machen <3