Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012

Yesterday was Yoshi's birthday
A big fat cuddly "Happy Birthday" to him ~ and an award for the best boyfriend ever :)
Beautiful, gentle, clever&caring: Simply Yoshi ~

Here are some pictures of our shopping round through Shibuya.

Hehe...yes, it looks a little strange XD
But  Yoshi got me a huge pig doll in the game centre ~

And here the pictures from our clubbing night at Eri's birthday ~~  :)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Happy Birthday to Yoshi!!
    Ich finds süss, wie hübsch die Leute in Japan immer die Teller beschriften etc. Sowas gibts hier in Deutschland gar nicht :(
    Die Pizza sieht yummy aus :3

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Otanjoubi omedetou to Yoshi!!!
    Cute pig! Ahahaha!

  3. schöne bilder *-*das schwein ist super!^^
