I have work at Starbucks tomorrow, but happily I'm off on Monday. Yoshi and I are planning to go somewhere nice since I was so busy and exhausted last week...win :)
I've got some mails from you asking me thousand questions...so I decided to make a little Q&A-post and tell you something more about me and my life.
I'm sorry, but I can't answer every E-Mail or message (since I don't want to spend my free time with typing, typing and typing again...). Hope you guys understand this ~
Q&A ~
Are you homesick or do you think of returing to Germany someday?
No, not at all. I talk with my family every week per Skype and I write E-Mails with my father and mother nearly every day. I love my family and I enjoy spending some time at my home town, but living in Germany is definetly no option for me...never.
Do you speak Japanese at home?
Yes~ my bf can't speak any English or German.
Do you have an old purikura of you and your boyfriend?
LOL ~ but we haven't changed at all ;) Just to make it clear.
It's one of our second date but I'm pretty sure I have posted it here already.
Why didn't you study Japanese at university?
Well, that's pretty simple. Speaking Japanese won't bring you a good job since almost 120.000.000 Japanese people are speaking better Japanese than you ever will.
When I was looking for a major, I checked out various job opportunities here in Japan. Most jobs at companies offer really long work times and only few days of vacation...and c'mon guys...who wants to work 48 hours per week and just have 7 days vacation per year?! ;)
I really enjoyed helping others and so I decided to become a teacher, which offers a nice salary&at least four weeks vacation per year.
I studied Japanese at home or with my friends. I also went to a one month-intensive Japanese class in Tokyo about five years ago. That's the better way to study Japanese.
You should always think about your future job. Japanese as major subject isn't the right choice if you really want to work&live in Japan.
Isn't it difficult to keep a pet and work full-time?
Of course it is, but happily I'm not working full-time. Due to my good salary I just work part-time, about 4~6 hours per day and I have three days off per week, which means I still have enough time to take care of Peko. Additionally he is trained to do his "business" in the "dog toilet", which means he can stay alone for some time. If I have to work overtime, my boyfriend tries to get home earlier. In this way, Peko can be a happy little dog :) I wouldn't keep a dog if I were living by myself though...
How can you afford living in Tokyo?
While I was a university student, I worked part-time twice per week and saved a lot of money from Christmas&birthday and so on. When I lived in Japan for my university's internship I always shared the apartment with one of my friends. And another big help were the two scholarships which I have obtained because of good grades in classes while I was in the final year of my university study.
Now I'm already working as teacher and my boyfriend and I are sharing an apartment. It's still expensive, but since my job is pretty good, I can afford living here without big troubles.
I have used the same cell phone for almost five years...just to save money for other important things like air plane tickets, the monthly rent for my apartment here in Tokyo and and and...I think it's just about priorities ;)
Why did you start to like Japan?
I had a Japanese pen friend when I was younger. She sent me a lot of magazines, music&so on. I started to like Japan when I was around 14 years old.
In my childhood I was already the typical 90's kid ;) I was totally in love with Digimon&Sailor Moon. Yeah...good old times. When I came to Japan for the first time I was 17. I was spending my summer holiday here&it was fantastic. This experience changed my life and I decided to visit Japan as often as possible. Three years later, when I was in the first year of university, I already knew that I wanted to work&live in Tokyo and tried my best to make this plan come true.
If you were single...would you still want to live in Tokyo?
Yes. It was my plan before I have met Yoshi. The only thing which would be different is maybe my career...I was thinking to do my Master degree at Waseda university. This plan was really expensive and without a loan from a bank it was nearly impossible...but since I got to know Yoshi and we both have so many plans in the future which are not only about our jobs and working, I decided to stop this idea and save the money for something different...no idea what...but someday soon I think I will be happy to have it XD Maybe a car, a world trip, a house, ten dogs, a baby...who knows!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I hope Yoshi and I have a nice apartment or a house..maybe a little baby? Going to great summer vacations every year maybe?
I'm thinking to open my own school someday...so maybe in five years I will already making some real plans about it.
Do you want to have kids?
Oh yes. Although just one would be fine for me :)
Do you have an idol?
Nope. I mean...Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Jesus...there are lot of great people. I'm idol-free...blame me.
Do you think some people are jealous of you?
I don't think so since I live a pretty normal life. I work, I have good days, bad days, average days, very nice days...but all in all I think everyone can become happy if they try their best. Being gloomy isn't simply the way...love yourself, love the world. And...yes:
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Picture belongs to turtlefeed |
Are you planning your marriage already?
Well, a little. I think Yoshi&I will have the civil marriage in April or May. The real party will start in October, when we have saved some money. Since we will visit Germany in December, we will have two parties. One here in Tokyo and the other one in Germany.
What do you like about your boyfriend at most?
Oh...it's difficult to put this in words... he is a very kind man and we spend a lot of time together...when we're seperated due to our jobs he calls me in his break time and writes a lot of E-Mails, which gives me a smile every time I get non-sense mails. And we can talk about everything and never get tired of each other. It's like watching your favourite movie...it always amazes you.
I think I love how important I am to him&how I can be myself when he is around :)
And now : A senseless photo of the new shelf which we have bought for Yoshi's books...I got some nice candles at FrancFranc :) |
I love coala cookies...and I HAD to buy this New Year version XD Yeah...blame the child in me XD |
"I'm thinking to open my own school someday...so maybe in five years I will already making some real plans about it."
AntwortenLöschenEine Sprachschule? :)
Amazing answers! You have to now that there're lots of people who may be jealous of you! I mean, you live in Tokyo, you've a nice bf, despide being young you have a good job and most important: lots of plans!
AntwortenLöschenYou know what? These days I've been thinking that I WANT TO BE A TEACHER IN JAPAN!! Don't know if you read my blog but I'll explain this better there :P
I wish you the best! :) FIGHT!
Ich hab's dir schon oft gesagt, aber ich muss es nochmal loswerden:
AntwortenLöschenDu bis bewundernswert! So zielstrebig, hübsch, was du alles erreicht hast und noch viel mehr :)
Wenn du eine Schule aufmachst, kann ich dort ja arbeiten :D...eher gesagt würde ich gerne dort arbeiten XD
Ich finde den Bilderrahmen mit dem Bild von euch so süß! ♥
Wie toll ♥ Danke für dieses Q&A's, war sehr interessant das zu lesen. Und: ihr wollt heiraten?! Wie toll ♥ Ich wünsche euch alles Gute, heiraten ist eine schöne Sache und man fühlt sich danach noch mehr verbunden (bin ja auch grad frisch ein halbes Jahr verheiratet ^.^)
AntwortenLöschenIch finde es echt klasse wie du dein Leben meisterst und ich musste bei der einen Antwort sehr nicken, als du meintest japanisch zu studieren wäre nicht das Richtige. Mich fragten damals (und zum Teil auch heute noch) viele Leute, warum ich nicht Japanologie studiert hätte? Ich antworte dann immer etwas ähnliches wie du auch: was hätte ich davon gehabt? Keinen ordentlichen Job, ausser, dass ich die Sprache super könnte, so wie zich andere Leute auch! Ich habe lieber meinen Traumberuf, der mir Spaß macht und lerne die Sprache nebenbei bei einem Volkshochschulkurs, der mir nebenbei gesagt viel mehr Spaß macht. Wenn ich mir vorstellen müsste, jede Woche zich Kanji lernen zu müssen, würde ich sicherlich bald die Lust an der Sprache verlieren. So ist alles viel entspannter und macht viel mehr Spaß.
Die Bilder von euch beiden sind echt voll süss. ♥
Ehrlich gesagt, bist du mir durch deinen Blog super sympatisch geworden und am liebsten würde ich dich ja mal im Reallife treffen, wenn wir im März nach Tokyo kommen.
Also falls du auch Lust dazu haben solltest, würde ich mich sehr freuen und dich gern mal treffen ^-^
Alles Liebe und morgen viel Spaß beim Starbucks!
aww that's really sweet (i just read everything and i am jealous about you and your bf...i want a bf too haha but not a japanese lol, just one! and say what you're saying about marriage <3
AntwortenLöschenhaha it's great to have a dream about having your own school :)
hope you can have what you want soon (although you have one person by your side now ;)
ahh :) sowas find ich toll und interessant ^^
AntwortenLöschenund klingt gut was du vorh ast und viel glück
I think I already posted one comment months ago but I am a frequent reader of your blog.
AntwortenLöschenI wish you all the best for your live with Yoshi.