Peko Pokemon XD |
Hello~ the golden September has started!
I am SO looking forward to the fresh autumn days...
The past days...week?! was only rainy...I can't stand the weather. It makes me tired&my throat is aching because of the strong air conditioners...additonally I can't style my hair or wear the clothes I love...but well, soon the summer is over&it's time for getting autumn fashion.
Although I love the summer, the hanabi, the beach...I'm ready to say goodbye to it and welcome the cooler days.
I love the fashion in autumn&winter :) Yoshi and I are planning a shopping day very soon. We both need new shoes&some fancy shirts&pullovers.
His first exam will be held in May. Since it's really difficult to pass, we think it may take 2 years until he can get the job as puplic official. But it will be worth it. Since most Japanese companies think it's ok when their employees are working overtime every day&don't have a private life, the job as puplic official is different. At least 20 days holiday every year and a "fair" work time from 9am to 6pm. Yoshi's family are all puplic officials&now it seems Yoshi will be going this way, too :)
Well, I'm glad he has found something to fight for. It's been one year since he has quitted his job as stylist to have more time for me&to decide which job he will do in the future...time is passing by so fast.
On Sunday night Yoshi was working in the Italian restaurant&his co-workers really wanted to go out.
And somehow they wanted me to join while I was chilling around in my pajama suddenly they showed up at my door around 2 am, including Yoshi, totally wet from the strong Typhoon rain&invited me for a Karaoke night. LOL XD
Since all of them were pretty soaked, I cecked out our closet for old clothes and found the most creepiest Hawaii shirt ever XD Of course Yamashita had the honor to wear it. Together with his totally wet hair style he looked simply....amazing XD By the way...he will be a daddy starting from October :)
I love the co-workers not only from Starbucks, but also from Yoshi's job. They are so nice&kind.
On Monday, after paying Yoshi's university fee, we decided to walk around a little bit. My wallet is broken and I desperately need a new one...sadly money isn't my friend these days ^^"
I don't care about brand marks at all, but I love high quality bags&wallets...I'm a person who just owns one bag for all days...same to my wallet. That's the reason why I am looking for something which will survive the next years and isn't made out of plastic...but that means: Expensive.
Cheating on Starbucks at Choco Cro~ ^^" |
At the moment I am looking for an airplane ticket to visit my family in Germany. I hope I can go there for one week in the end of November/beginning of December. Sadly most are already around 1000 Euro...we will see...
Ich liebe es deine Bilder anzuschauen!!! :3
AntwortenLöschenund ich beneide dich um die vielen Fotos gemeinsam mit deinem Freund... Meiner ist leider EXTREM "Fotoscheu" -____-
Wenn ihr wirklich zu seinen Eltern fliegen solltet, würde fast auf ein Treffen bestehen xD xD
Nein, wäre echt super :3
Bin auch grad am verzweifeln mit den Flügen... Schau ja auch grad...
Haha...That's sounds really funny what Yoshi and his co-workers did with you XD
AntwortenLöschenBut it seems like your life is Fun at everytime of the day :D
I hope you and yoshi can find some fashionable autmn clothes :)I would love to go shopping with a boyfriend...and yoshi even seems like he would live to do it XD
I hope you will find some flight for germany soon...You must miss your family, right?
AntwortenLöschenYoshi ist durch seine Model-Zeit recht an Fotos gewöhnt XD Und inzwischen mag er es total, dass wir so viele Bilder&Fotoalben haben. Er hat vor mir kaum Fotos gemacht ^^"
Sag doch, dass du dir andere Kerle zum Foto machen suchen wirst XD
Jaaaa...wär toll wenn das gehen würde. Wir sind wohl vom 29.12. bis zum 03.01. in Kouchi.
Danke dir :) Man kann sich das Leben schwer oder schön machen. Da machen wir es uns lieber spaßig XD
Ja...freu mich schon ~ Klamotten *O_O*
An sich nicht wirklich ~ ^^ Ich telefoniere ja einmal die Woche mit ihnen und schreib oft E-Mails. Von daher passt das total. Ich bin viel zu gerne hier. In Deutschland vergammel ich ja nur vorm PC XD Ich liebe meine Familie, aber so dringend muss ich dann nicht zurück XD
Wär nur schön zu Japan ist das zu künstlich und emotionslos.