Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2011

Yahoo ~~
Sadly Golden Week started with rain for Yoshi and me. But since we had his company`s car we decided to check out IKEA since we need to buy a lot of new things for our apartment in July.
I`m a huge IKEA fan and my first apartment in Germany was 90% made by IKEA XD
Anyway, it was Yoshi`s first time there and it took us more than 3 hours until we went back to the parking space. Of course we had to buy something...Ikea cookies XD  They`re incredible tasty.
Now we finally have a list of all the new stuff which we need to order until August...

Today the weather was amazing and so we took Peko and went to Odaiba. It was my first public holiday there and it was crowded like hell ^^;  But we had much fun, took a long walk on the beach, drank an fantastic Tiramisu-coffee and visited the dog store since I`m thinking to get Peko a new bag. Photo update will follow tomorrow :)

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