Yesterdady our double bed arrived XD HAPPY!!
Later we went shopping, ate some ice and chilled in Shibuya ^^ We also visited Kathi in 109 XD
Around 1am we made a short visit at Daisuke`s and Katsumi`s apartment. We talked how funny it would if we get babies around the same time....a boy and a girl...and in High School they become a couple. Yoshi wasn`t so happy about it though XD He will be a overprotective daddy....
It doesen`t matter how long we`re together or how many hours we talk...we always have fun together and when I think of myself 2 years back and now I`m glad I changed my mind of having a serious relationship or marriage...he makes me complete ♥ Like lover and best friend in one person.
Today no long entry because I`m on the way to the German School in Yokohama~ there is a school festival today and I wanna check out where Yoko is always having fun XD
Just some pics ~
Teachy wants attention XD |
lol |
Yoshi gave me a little present ;_; |
♥ |
You and your boyfriend are such a cute couple! ^-^ ♥
AntwortenLöschen^-^ Thanks ~
AntwortenLöschenAww <3
AntwortenLöschenIch muss jetzt mal auf Deutsch schreiben.
Ich finde euch beiden so süß!
Und ihr passt so toll zusammen! <3
Und ich hoffe ihr habt schöne Nächte in euerm neuen Doppelbett!
Ich wünsche euch alles gute für die Zukunft!
Ah! So süß!
@DeadlyClaris Dankeeeee sehr ^^" Da werd ich ja fast schon rot vor lauter Komplimente... *_*