Since the main purpose for this blog was to stay in touch with my friends in Europe, I feel it's time to say goodybe to this public blog.
Thank you so much for all your comments! We had a wonderful wedding.
One week after Christmas we will have our wedding party in Germany. I'm really looking forward to spend Christmas&New Year at home...I don't like the Japanese Christmas. It's missing the sweet smell of Christmas markets and silent nights... :)
Anyway, this will be my last entry at this blog for a while. I'm thankful for all the followers&all your comments.
I'm thinking to open up a new, not public blog in German, writing much more about my life here. This blog will require a profile and my acceptance to follow, but this would be a possibilty to stay in touch . I'm not sure when the new blog will be online, but I'll make an update here.
I wish you a wonderful Christmas season :)