Since the main purpose for this blog was to stay in touch with my friends in Europe, I feel it's time to say goodybe to this public blog.
Thank you so much for all your comments! We had a wonderful wedding.
One week after Christmas we will have our wedding party in Germany. I'm really looking forward to spend Christmas&New Year at home...I don't like the Japanese Christmas. It's missing the sweet smell of Christmas markets and silent nights... :)
Anyway, this will be my last entry at this blog for a while. I'm thankful for all the followers&all your comments.
I'm thinking to open up a new, not public blog in German, writing much more about my life here. This blog will require a profile and my acceptance to follow, but this would be a possibilty to stay in touch . I'm not sure when the new blog will be online, but I'll make an update here.
I wish you a wonderful Christmas season :)
wow, dein Kleid ist so wunderschön <3
AntwortenLöschensehr tolle bilder, ich wünsche euch viel glück und alles gute :)
ich habe immer gespannt deinen blog verfolgt, hoffentlich darf ich deinen neuen dann auch lesen ^^
liebe grüße <3
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Hochzeit <3 Ich habe Deinen Blog gerne gelesen, auch wenn ich eher weniger Kommentare schreibe.^^;
AntwortenLöschenWenn ich Deine Bilder sehe und lese wie Dein Leben mit Deinen Freund in Japan ist - möchte ich doch gerne heiraten (ich habe auch einen japanischen Freund), obwohl ich eher dagegen war/bin.
Du siehst wunderschön aus! Und ich finde es toll zu sehen, wie Ihr auf den vorletzten Bild zwei so verschiedene Kulturen verbunden habt! <3
Es schade, dass Du aufhören wirst, aber ich wünsche euch alles Gute! <3
Aw I wish you the very best dear. I have enjoyed seeing how life has played out for you. Take care hun <3
AntwortenLöschenherzlichen glückwunsch zur hochzeit !! ihr seid einfach ein traumpaar!
AntwortenLöschenich finds schade, dass du nicht mehr bloggen willst, kanns aber total verstehen >-< <3 hab aber immer gerne deine einträge gelesen..also solltest du einen neuen machen.. ich würde gerne weiterlesen wollen XD
Ach was für tolle Bilder! Dein Kleid ist echt traumhaft schön!!! Und Yoshi passend dazu auch ganz in weiß, toll! Ihr seht so glücklich zusammen aus <33
AntwortenLöschenSchade dass dein Blog hiermit endet, ich habe ihn sehr gern gelesen ;_;
Ich wünsche euch für die Zukunft alles Liebe und Gute!!
Liebe Grüße
Awww, I'm so sad to see you go! I've been following "Tokyo Heartbeat" for a few months now, and this blog has always been one of my favorites! I absolutely love reading about Japanese-Gaijin relationships, but they are so hard to find. I hope that someday I can meet the Japanese guy of my dreams, and hopefully he will be almost as handsome and amazing as your man! Haha, hopefully. ♥ Anyways, I wish you all the best! Maybe I can be accepted to read the new blog! *fingerscrossed* Anna.
AntwortenLöschenHi! I've been following your blog for more than a year now and I've never really commented on your blog before but this made me to do so. I can't imagine not knowing about how you're doing anymore! You've been one of my inspirations and a proof that it is possible to lead a normal life in Japan. Working in a kindergarten or elementary school in Japan has also been my dream as I like kids very much, but everybody says that Japanese will always seek for Japanese as their employess (moreover the fact, that I'm from Czech Republic is not very favorable as it's not such an interesting country).
AntwortenLöschenI'd really love to continue knowing more about your life and if it is possible, could you please add me on facebook? (put kacenka.bruzlova after fb address)
Btw. I can't leave without saying that those wedding photos are totally gorgeous!
I'm really sad to see that you won't really be updating this blog anymore. I been amazing to see the experiences that you've gone through both as a person as a couple. I wish you the best and wanna say that your wedding photos are amazing.
AntwortenLöschenI'd love to know more about your life (sorry if I sound stalkerish) so perhaps if you're still willing to open up, you could add me on my facbook? Just follow this address: https://www.facebook.com/SandraRazhensia
Thanks and best wishes to u and ur furture together
Hi. I really enjoyed my brief visit on your site and I’ll be sure to be back for more.
AntwortenLöschenCan I contact your through your email?
Please email me back.
kevincollins1012 gmail.com
To be sure, I am completely agree with you, I am an amazing fan of your site, you structure enlightening articles.
AntwortenLöschenKeep making such amazing post,
Thanks for sharing.
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