Montag, 9. Juli 2012

Today was a sunny day :)  We went to our Wedding Planer for a last meeting. We have finished 90% of the preparations. Nice  ~ our wedding cake will be so beautiful ;_; I can't wait to see it in real.
Now I need to find a dress for the wedding party in Germany.
All in all, we spent a nice day in Odaiba. Sadly the weekend is over now and a new week starts...fightttttttt ~  I really want to go to the beach next week!

(Btw...I love this purikura's cute ^.^ A good thing when I forget my camera at home like today ^^")

Waking up next to those two is the best thing ~ it's pure happiness!

Chilling with cocktails&open balcony!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Pekoooo ♥ Hach ich werd voll zum Pekofan wenn du immer so viele süße Fotos von deinem Hund postest xD Bald will ich auch einen Pekohund *lach*
    Deine Nägel sehen toll aus, hast du die selbst gemacht?
    Liebe Grüße, habt eine schöne Woche!

  2. hi~❤ süßer Blog! Euer わんちゃん ist wirklich putzig ^ω^
