My first week at school was pretty nice. I have a great team of Japanese teacher&the trial classes were really nice.
I didn't do a lot since when the classes were over we always had a long meeting to plan the next I just spent time at home with Peko&Yoshi.
I'm really satisfied right now ~ let's hope this positive feeling will continue!
My first lunch time ~ |

Last week we had a nice dinner with Eri. We haven't met for almost three weeks and so there was so much to talk about.
Yoshi's birthday is coming closer. Since I really have no idea which kind of present would be nice we will go shopping together and he is allowed to abuse my wallet XD We almost have all kind of "couple" things which you can imagine...including wallets, bags, rings, bracelets, gloves...slowly we are runnig out of items XD
I have already prepared some small&nice presents which will be a little surprise. I am really looking forward to the restaurant. Since we both love Italian food&everyone has told me that this place is fantastic I can't wait to check it out...
Tomorrow I will meet up with Steffi for a nice chill-out. Before that: Work. So I'm going to jump in my fluffy bed right now ~ have a nice weekend!
And since I was at home most of the time in the past days...I took some photos of my beloved ;)
Aww Peko ♥ Wie süss! Und die Bilder mit deinen Freundinnen sind süss, ihr sehr voll hübsch aus!
AntwortenLöschenUah ich freu mich schon soooo doll auf März, wenn wir nach Tokyo fliegen, dann kann ich auch endlich mal Purikuras machen ♥ (und mein Mann darf dann drunter leiden xD)
Es freut mich, dass deine erste Woche so gut rumging und alles glatt läuft bisher!
Wie alt wird dein Freund denn und wie lang seid ihr zusammen? Ich weiß was du meinst, irgendwann gehen einem echt die Ideen für Geschenke aus. Ich bin mit meinem Mann jetzt seit 7 1/2 Jahren zusammen und Anfangs war man noch sooo kreativ, aber irgendwann hat man alles was man sich so kaufen kann *lach*
(und mein Mann hat auch noch unglücklicherweise am 25.12. Geburtstag, da ists immer besonders schwer was zu finden für 2 aufeinander folgende Tage... v.v;)
Liebe Grüße
Wow super cute purikura pics! : D